Kerlogue Nursing Home
Spring Newsletter 2020
Hi Everyone,
Hope you’re all well.
We’ve had a hugely busy few months. Please forgive the absence of a New Years Newsletter. But Happy New Year to you all and I hope Christmas was lovely for everyone (I bet no one’s been wished a happy New Year in March!)
This year we have lots going on here in Kerlogue.
Our activities schedule continues to increase with lots of different this happening around the house and outside. Our Activities bi-monthly plan is available at the visitors sign in table if you would like a schedule. There are also a number of once off activities that will take place over the coming weeks.
There have been a lot of outings over the past few weeks where small groups of residents have gone out to places like the Coast Hotel Rosslare, The Talbot Hotel, Sharkey’s. Residents also attended the mass of the healing in Bride Street Church recently.
Hopefully now as the weather is (fingers crossed) getting better we will be out and about even more. And our Kerlogue Café will be up and running shortly in the training room on Fridays with Catriona (weather permitting of course).
If you have any suggestions of outings or activities that your resident would like to have or somewhere that they would like to go. Please let us know and if its something doable or suitable, we’ll do our best to make it happen.
Some of you may be aware that there are a number of residents from Kerlogue who will be heading on a pilgrimage to Lourdes in May. The staff are running a few fundraisers to help with the trip such as the table quiz in the Farmers kitchen last Thursday night (it was great craic altogether). So please keep an eye out over the next few weeks, we’ll certainly be holding a raffle that has some very nice prizes to be one. Raffle Tickets at reception.
A little advance notice;
Although a date has not been set yet we will be holding our annual relatives/allocated person’s meeting in May. This meeting is always a good chance to speak to other family members, get a good understanding of what’s going on in the home and why and to voice any queries you may have so please do pencil in the date and join us. There will be a date and agenda decided on before May and we will let you know but we would love to see as many of you as possible when that day comes.
In Response to the continued spread of Coronavirus throughout the world and as it seems to get closer and closer to us. We ask you to be extremely mindful and vigilant about visiting the nursing home.
As per the World Health Organisation;
“Standard recommendations to prevent infection spread include regular hand washing, covering mouth and nose when coughing and sneezing, thoroughly cooking meat and eggs. Avoid close contact with anyone showing symptoms of respiratory illness such as coughing and sneezing.”
“Common signs of infection include respiratory symptoms, fever, cough, shortness of breath and breathing difficulties. In more severe cases, infection can cause pneumonia, severe acute respiratory syndrome, kidney failure and even death.”
We, like all other healthcare settings, are awaiting National Guidelines as to what procedures to roll out in the event of an outbreak in the area. Once we do receive these guidelines from the HSE or NHI, we will let you know immediately and advise you on any recommendations/procedures they provide us with.
We are continuing our house improvements. I think everyone will agree that Roxborough and Ronan’s sections look particularly well with new fresh look of paint and different colours on the walls and we have started on the Johnstown corridors this month. The plan is now to give the reception area a freshen up too so please bear with us as we progress around the house. Finished product will be only lovely.
We do greatly appreciate any suggestions you may have day to day. There is a suggestions box located in the entrance hall outside reception so please don’t be shy. Any chance to further improve our home we would love your feedback. If you wish to speak to Mary
Finally, you may have seen the signs around the house in the last week. We have our HIQA Registration Inspection on the 31st March and 1st of April.
This is an announced Inspection for our 3year registration and both ourselves and HIQA invite anyone who wishes to come in and speak with the Inspectors. So please feel free to come in and give your feedback.